Fun, but you should check your spelling. It spells "INVITED" not "INVENTED". Invented was what they did with the light bulb. Or the TV. You choose.
Fun, but you should check your spelling. It spells "INVITED" not "INVENTED". Invented was what they did with the light bulb. Or the TV. You choose.
Hehehe! Real fun, man! It was like the most humoristic story ive seen so far! But when the characters moved, you have got to improve that.Well, anyway, its going to my favorites! You Too!
Oohh, a gamecube! Well, anyway, good skit! funny.
I Like
That was a pretty good idea. And the animations werent that bad. But next time, make a better ending, like, for example, the hamster stucks its paw in the stomach of that other guy, then he turns into a hamster. Like in the matrix movies!
well you see, there is one problem with that. Ive got people telling me to go die somewhere because i used the matrix music. just think what they would say and vote if i did that
Is this made in flash?
This cant be flash. It has got to be a real movie.
Vackert, Ola!
Det var nog det vackraste jag sett i flash-vägar på många dar. Men att det skulle vara någonting svenskt att hänga nyckeln utanför dörren, det förstår jag inte. Grattis, det här är min nya favorit!
Not good enough
Come on! I know you can do better than that!
What am i supposed to write here?
Age 33, Male
Pupil, 8th grade
Ätradalsskolan, Timmele
Trädet, Sweden
Joined on 5/5/05