Be there or be square
"But i wanna be a triangle" LoL
Be there or be square
"But i wanna be a triangle" LoL
Its cool. In the beginning. Then its just... wacky. And i love it! Did you run out of ideas or what?
well, the whole point was to just be this big creepy scary/lost in the woods intro, then the grand lightswitch of the forest is turned on and then thats it, thats really all it was ever meant to be
I Like
That was a pretty good idea. And the animations werent that bad. But next time, make a better ending, like, for example, the hamster stucks its paw in the stomach of that other guy, then he turns into a hamster. Like in the matrix movies!
well you see, there is one problem with that. Ive got people telling me to go die somewhere because i used the matrix music. just think what they would say and vote if i did that
What am i supposed to write here?
Age 33, Male
Pupil, 8th grade
Ätradalsskolan, Timmele
Trädet, Sweden
Joined on 5/5/05